The Starseed Children
Unique abilities and characteristics make some children special. These children are often hyperactive and more mature than their peers. They are superduper, over-the-top, gifted, and talented children. Many possess exceptional psychic abilities, intuitive aptitude, innate spirituality, and a deep desire to serve others. However, the general public does not understand the concept of Starseed Children.
The term Starseed Children was first introduced in the 1998 book “Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived” to describe children with unique qualities that set them apart. They have a higher purpose in life but must first discover their true identity to fulfill their purpose. While some people may not believe in the concept of Indigo Children, those who study auras claim that it is a rare and significant phenomenon.

Throughout history, several children have displayed extraordinary wisdom and a strong desire to help humanity from a young age. Many religions also worship gods who exhibited exceptional spiritual abilities, even as children. For instance, paintings often depict “Krishna” as blue because his body was born with an intense indigo color.
Similarly, other spiritual leaders, such as “Buddha,” have been revered for their spiritual prowess. The Indians also recognized children with superior spiritual abilities, calling them Children of the Sun. In recent times, there has been a lot of discussion about Starseed Children. It is believed that many such children are being born today, with an estimated 15 to 20 million in the world.
The Starseed Indigo Children
There is a belief that Indigo Children have a different DNA structure and organs than regular people. Some consider them aliens or angels in human form, as they supposedly came from another Galaxy. The mission of these children is to bring peace, justice, and equality to the world and help humanity reach a higher level of consciousness.
Indigo Children can be identified by their aura’s indigo blue or purple-deep blue color. This color represents the frontal chakra, the third eye, an energy center for advanced psychic abilities such as mind reading. Indigo children tend to have recollections of past lives and often feel isolated and misunderstood in this world. Their large, penetrating eyes are captivating, and they usually describe them as having an “old soul.”

It is still unclear whether Indigo Children with psychic abilities, known for being hyperactive and imaginative, are normal children or extraterrestrial beings. Some even believe they are saviors who bring order to the world. Only time will tell as the last generation goes through an “awakening.” Until then, many will continue to view them as normal children, like any other. However, it is essential to note that Indigo children cannot perform miracles; they are highly spiritual individuals who know their mission in life.
A Unique Feature of Indigo Children
They constantly develop better solutions for problems and feel most comfortable among their like-minded peers. These Starseed Children possess a high degree of intelligence and strong will and are both stubborn and creative. They are intuitive and sometimes have visions of angels or deceased people. Indigo Children form lasting friendships quickly due to their exceptional emotional intelligence.
They seek genuine and sincere friendships and are easily attached to plants and animals. They are empathetic, which can sometimes confuse them as they may be unable to differentiate between their problems and those of others. Also, they are spiritually connected and may not realize that others do not experience the world in the same way as they do.

Furthermore, they often act as comforters, leaders, and protectors, which can be confusing for their parents at an early age because of their specific unique characteristics. They tend to feel like superheroes and behave like one. They often inform their parents about their identity and have a problem with authority. Also, they seek explanations for their required actions and cannot be swayed by any threats or made to feel guilty.
Indigo Children can also develop addiction tendencies and can be either aggressive or highly fragile. They get bored quickly, are prone to insomnia, and can fall into depression. They often dream about celestial bodies to which they travel in space. Unfortunately, medical professionals frequently misdiagnose Indigo Children who have hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, or other psychic disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder. Experts believe that by treating these disorders, Indigo Children may lose their unique abilities and deviate from their purpose in this lifetime. Therefore, traditional disciplinary measures do not work while raising such children.
Generations of Indigo Children
The Alpha generation is the first Indigo children born between 1958 and 1968. They have a blue-green-purple aura with a mental ocher glow that acts as a shield from the environment. Despite feeling different from others since childhood, they usually try to fit in with the rest of society. Only when they mature mentally do they experience an “awakening” and realize their true mission between 1986 and 1996, usually in their 28th or 29th year of life. This period of awakening is challenging for them as they go through various difficulties, illnesses, and challenges to return to their “real” mission.
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Unfortunately, they are often unaware of this because they live in today’s modern world, which misshapes their destinies. Only a tiny percentage of people realize what they are and what they should do in life at this age. The late thirties represent a period of recovery for the alpha generation when they test their intuition and learn to trust their psychic abilities. After this period, many Indigo Children, now adults, begin to practice yoga, reiki, theta healing, or other alternative techniques. The alpha generation of indigos is currently moving into the Oktarin phase.
Beta, Gama, Delta & Omega
The Beta generation includes Indigo Children born between 1968 and 1978. Their aura is blue-green-purple, and they don’t have a noticeable mental ocher. They developed their abilities between 1996 and 2006, at 28 or 29. A distinct feature of this generation is that they tend to look much younger than their actual age, even when they get older.
Indigo Children born between 1978 and 1988 belong to the Gamma generation, also known as millennials. They have a minimal protective layer of aura; if they have one, it tends to be purple with hints of octarine. Indigo Children belonging to the Gamma generation often receive a diagnosis of ADHD. They go through their awakening phase between 2006 and 2016 and enter the octarine phase in their late forties.
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Pure Indigo Children of an expressive indigo blue color belong to the Delta generation, and some exceptions also have an octarine layer. They were born between 1988 and 1998, and their “awakening” period is between 2016 and 2026. They tend to be more hyperactive but love nature, which helps restore their inner balance and peace. Such children should avoid watching television and electrical appliances as much as possible to calm down.
The Omega generation is the last generation of Indigo Children. It includes children born from 1998 to 2008, and it’s believed to be the final generation of pure indigos. They tend to have a challenging childhood, with a high risk of severe illnesses and withdrawal from the outside world, such as autism or Asperger’s syndrome, and a high mortality rate. Many individuals are reincarnations of representatives from the Alpha and Beta generations of Indigo Children who died prematurely.
The Starseed Crystal Children
Some authors describe a unique group of children known as Crystal or Octarine children. The new generation of Starseed children are hypersensitive and born without protective mechanisms or shields. They are described as walking antennas that absorb all kinds of vibrations, such as psychic, physical, mental, emotional, electromagnetic, and thermal. They tend to withdraw into themselves to avoid the negativity that surrounds them. Their autism is a self-protection mechanism.

Unfortunately, many of these children die at an early age because they cannot cope with the sounds and vibrations they experience in the modern world. Every Indigo child goes through the octarine phase, but only in the maturity period do they learn how to deal with it. However, Crystal Children are born in the octarine phase, which makes them hypersensitive at an early age, leading to extreme behavior or specific deficits. They react negatively to vaccinations and medications, and their behavior can change drastically. So, they do not feel like they belong on Earth and often experience boredom, anger, fear, and jealousy, which they don’t know how to deal with.
Crystal Children are believed to be highly connected to their soul and often live in their world. They possess a highly developed sense of compassion and justice and are very sensitive, causing them to take everything to heart. They also have a solid telepathic ability and can even open the third eye of the adults around them. Likewise, they love nature, water, animals, and playing with crystals. They are generous, sensitive, and quick to forgive. Also, they may not speak until three or four because they can communicate without words.
Children of the Rainbow
Children of the Rainbow are a unique generation of Starseed children. Their energy is pure and peaceful; being around them feels almost divine. They have a strong sense of right and wrong and have remarkable personalities and energy. Rainbow Children prefer colors and variety and are incredibly sensitive and intuitive. They carry memories of other times and places and were born with infinite wisdom and patience.

It’s worth noting that Rainbow Children are different from Indigo Children, who also possess highly developed intuition and manifestation abilities. Negativity around them often influences Indigo Children, whereas Rainbow Children can clearly distinguish good from evil and intuitively know how to change the energy around them.
The Mission of The Starseed Children
Starseed Children possess a unique purpose destined to contribute significantly to the Age of Aquarius. They are extraordinary individuals born to assist humanity in healing and flourishing. Due to their unique abilities, they perceive themselves as different from others and understand that their lives have a greater meaning. They often do not conform to the strict standards of modern society.
Living in the Real Matrix can be challenging for all kinds of Starseed Children. They are independent thinkers who refuse to conform to any imposed religion or political system. For that reason, many are fighters for justice and better rights through activism and hacktivism.
In addition, Starseed Children often exhibit a keen interest in occult themes, forbidden history, and everything hidden from the truth. Learning esoteric sciences such as astrology, numerology, yoga, reiki, theta healing, or any other esoteric or spiritual practices can help them find their true purpose and attain peace of mind in this chaotic world. However, they must aspire to promote freedom of consciousness and live a life of liberation to achieve independence for all.
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