The Spiritual Manipulation of Religion
Throughout history, humanity has constantly been subjected to the spiritual manipulation of religion or other cult organizations. Once religion gains power over society and life, it can control public opinion. Many faiths cooperating with the political system have become very powerful today. They have become so influential in persuading that it is practically impossible to stop them anymore. However, the consequences of any religion or cult are the same, regardless of which one it is.
We must understand that for organized religion to succeed, people must believe they need it. For people to surrender their faith to something else, they must first lose faith in themselves. So, it is the only way to govern people because they only look for rulers and leaders instead of ruling and leading themselves.

The first task of organized religion is to make man lose faith in himself. The second task is to make him believe it has the answers he does not have. The third and most important task is to make man accept those answers without question. If you question, you start to think. If you think, you begin to return to that Inner Source. Religion can’t allow that because it makes you prone to coming up with answers different from the ones they found.
And so, religion must make you doubt yourself; it must make you doubt your ability to think correctly. The problem with religion is that all this is often sanctified because if you can’t accept your thoughts without doubt, how can you not doubt the ideas about God that religion imposes on you? Soon, you will begin to question even the very existence of God, which, ironically, you’ve never doubted before. Hence, it is the religion that has created agnostics and atheists.
The Book of Wisdom is a must-have book for every free-thinker and truth-seeker. It offers a wealth of knowledge, encompassing both surface-level truths and deep, hidden insights from the esoteric realm.
Religious Fictional God
Wherever religion has come, it has created disunity. Religion has separated man from man, man from woman, and man from nature. It is a religion that insists to this day that women are in some way lesser, in some way second-class spiritual citizens. Religion is hungry for power. It doesn’t want to share power, only to exercise it, so it created a fake God. However, God is a fiction created only to serve the religious brainwashing schemes and false persuasion.
Any clear thinker looking at what religion has done and is doing must assume that religion has no God. The religion has filled people’s hearts with the fear of God. It is a religion that has ordered people to bow before God. Religion is the one that has burdened man with worries of God’s wrath. As a result, this is how the spiritual manipulation of religion is manifested.

Moreover, once upon a time, man sought God to lighten his burden. Religion told the man to be ashamed of his body and its most natural functions, while in the past, a man celebrated these functions as the greatest gifts of life. It is a religion that has convinced us that we must have a mediator to reach God, and it is a religion that has ordered people to worship God. In contrast, once upon a time, people worshipped God because they didn’t know otherwise.
The Need for Religion
Many people usually misinterpret religion. There is a significant difference between being religious and being a believer. Being religious means belonging to a particular religion and considering oneself religious. On the other hand, a believer is anyone who believes in something, even if it is pure love and unity. However it is possible to live without religion, but living without faith in something is still much more difficult.
Parents and religious institutions impose religion on most children from an early age before they can fully comprehend it. Accordingly, since the Middle Ages, people have passed down the practice of indoctrination from generation to generation. The spiritual manipulation of religion has existed from the very beginning because, looking behind the surface, this is the goal of every religion.

In the West, the need for religion, among other things, also leads to numerous personal problems and those of a psychological nature caused by not knowing oneself and not performing one’s natural spiritual work. Consequently, this means not having control over your life and not letting go of possible emotional problems and traumatic experiences.
Moreover, religious institutions are opposed to all self-healing techniques such as astrology, numerology, yoga, meditation, reiki, theta healing, and other esoteric disciplines that are in the East an integral part of their religions. However, this is because they compete with them and do not propagate divinity and hierarchy, thus significantly endangering their survival.
Lack of Responsibility
Resorting to religion also happens because of a lack of responsibility for one’s actions, and everything is attributed to higher forces that have power over lives. The lack of responsibility is also a problem for people outside the framework of religion because they support political structures and vote for leaders with political powers that systematically trample and belittle them, all because of their inability to take responsibility and control over their own lives.
Volume 2 continues the profound themes introduced in the predecessor even deeper into the complexities of existence and the pursuit of knowledge, encouraging readers to question established beliefs.
Furthermore, people pray to higher powers to control their lives or to help fulfill their wishes. The idea of the existence of heaven and hell is a picturesque allegory of man’s psychological state, just like the existence of Satan (the evil side of man – ego and fear) and the existence of God (the good side of man – empathy, and love), which religion imposed as literal representations of reality through which believers must observe the world to live in it.
Life Without Religion
The system of gods exposes its deception because, fearing losing its authoritative power, it uncompromisingly rejects the idea that one man is on par with the divinity itself. But the nature of reality dictates that each individual possesses incredible powers. Human consciousness has no limits, and we know this is a fact. The nature of reality, which is non-material and woven from pure energy, allows us to consciously manage our lives in the complete sense of the word.

The concepts of self-healing are revealed secrets available to everyone and do not support the systems of traditional institutional religions. You are your God and belong to an infinite consciousness with no religious hierarchy but only infinite love for oneself.
Ordinary people think that religion is true, the wise see it as a lie, and rulers find it useful
One day, when human consciousness evolves, there will be no more need for religion, politics, and rulers who should care for us. There will be no more spiritual manipulation of religion or some other cult. Still, each individual will be a part of the whole – the collective, and, as such, will be able to bear responsibility for their actions. Everyone’s goal should be to find happiness and to realize the true power that each individual possesses within themselves.
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