Religion – The Fictional Lack of Real Life
Religion is an organized system of belief and worship in which man places gods, deities, or some other metaphysical concept at the center. It is actually an undifferentiated mythical consciousness, which is simultaneously a ritualized entertainment game, magic, and an artistic-fantastic reproduction of reality, nothing more than a fictional lack of real life. Throughout history, man has crafted stories, some more than 2000 years old, and disseminated them to the world using manipulative and persuasive tactics.
Today’s mainstream religions are represented by wealthy institutions that consciously and subconsciously influence millions. They have extreme power and control all over the world. They also waged wars and committed numerous crimes in history for which they were never charged and legally prosecuted. In the name of the faith, people have been fighting and destroying each other for all eternity. From this perspective, religion is the ultimate terrorist and spiritual organization that looks exclusively at its interest of accumulating life energy in unnatural, lifeless temples that they have built to manipulate masses of people around the world.
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The Beginning of Religions
The very beginning of religion goes back to distant human prehistory when people attributed inexplicable phenomena, such as lightning in the sky, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc., to higher forces, i.e., to gods. From historical records, we can conclude that religions have been present for millennia as a fictional lack of real life in all existing civilizations. It all started from animism, where plants and animals are worshipped, through polytheism, where the spirits of animism evolve into the sky, water, and thunder, and monotheism, where only one supreme being is worshipped.
The developing system of monotheism assumed that a single creator – God – had formed the known universe and was self-sufficient, capable of ruling all other domains. Monotheistic religions also tended to be exclusive, meaning the old world’s gods had to be purged from human consciousness. This idea became prominent in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which are believed to be plagiarized religions created on the foundation of beliefs and wisdom from ancient Babylon and Egypt.
The Rise of Religions
Religions change over time; they die out or divide into different traditions. They adapt to their environment and partially construct it, just as organic evolution does. Since antiquity, religions and deities have changed and supplemented just as civilizations and their rulers have. Every civilization had its religion, which people believed in unconditionally. Also, their followers constantly spread, convincing others of the truth of their doctrine, thus creating more followers worldwide.

To this day, several mainstream religions that rule over millions of people have emerged on Earth. Christianity and Islam are the two largest religions that have significantly influenced the schism in today’s society. For centuries, they have influenced rulers, waging wars and committing numerous crimes in the name of their faith. On the one hand, these religions, in the name of their God, promoted love, peace, and unity. On the other hand, the fact is that they practiced repression and discrimination and encouraged aggression.
The Influence of Religion
The two largest monotheistic religions each created a new God who does not live on Earth but in the sky, stigmatizing Earth and man as irrelevant creations. People who believe in the smallness and insignificance of the Earth as the perfect creation cannot be crowned in their bodies on Earth. They experience a schism because they reject their life on Earth and begin to think about the unattainable ideal of God in heaven, which they can only reach when they die.
Religion has placed in people’s heads a mindset, a program, which made this kind of system possible. However, this program causes a mental division, a schism, which has placed a system of belief and unconditional obedience on a pedestal. Finally, this is nothing else but just blind faith or fanaticism.
Religion Division
Even though some will argue that religion is reasonable and necessary and that life is impossible without it, the fact is that no ideology causes such discords as religion does, dividing humanity in various ways, from extreme racism and sexism to ethnic and gender social discrimination. Religion depends on division because it requires an enemy, whether earthly or someone else, in another dimension.
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Religion dictates that some people are special or chosen and others are immoral or evil and often emphasizes that it is the duty of the chosen one to destroy the latter. Also, religion gives its deity an extremely sectarian, sexist, and racist face, showing, for example, male gods of a particular ethnic origin. The result is a centuries-long complete division of humanity and separation from nature and life around it, to the extent that it is now on the edge of chaos.
Freedom vs Religion
Freedom is a rebellion against the tyranny of the supreme theological embodiment, i.e., gods. It is obvious that as long as we have a master in heaven, we are enslaved on Earth. Our reason and will are also invalid as long as we believe we owe God absolute obedience and that there is no other complete obedience besides God.

Therefore, we will inevitably have to submit passively and without any resistance to the holy authority of His fake mediators and chosen ones: popes, priests, messiahs, prophets, and legislators inspired by God’s will that impose themselves in the world as determined by ‘God’s’ will to govern society.
All worldly or human authority comes directly from spiritual or divine authority. However, authority negates freedom. The idea of a god confirms the intellectual and moral cause of slavery on Earth. So, human freedom will only be complete when it destroys the fatal fiction of the heavenly master.
The Heavenly Master
At the top of every hierarchy is the master. In religion, it is God himself – a term that describes one character who holds absolute control over anyone and everyone. Also, he has the indisputable right and legitimacy to do as he pleases. So, such a god is not accountable to anyone for his actions. Besides, God requires his marketing propaganda agency (religion) to supply him with believers.
Once religion gains power over society and your life, it can control public opinion. Many faiths cooperating with the political system have become very powerful today. They become so influential in brainwashing that it is practically impossible to stop them anymore. Besides, people who follow them are merely enslaved who lost their freedom by giving their souls in exchange for following a fictitious reality.
Focus on Rules and Laws
The creation of religion required individuals to come up with concepts, rules, and laws. They created an idea of how everything would look and what their purpose would be in this concept. The primary goal of religion is to keep individuals focused on one obsession. The proof of this is the fact that your religion profits from you. Otherwise, that shouldn’t happen.

Certain initiates have used these ancient human habits to create religions with their purposes and goals exclusively for profit. To sustain such a concept of explanation and understanding of reality and make it necessary for people, it was essential to create a dogma that would never question religion and exclude all alternatives.
The Persuasion Method
Religion defines where a person belongs based on ethnic and geographical origin. If a person is born in a Protestant community, such will be the religion. If they were born in Rome, they would be Catholic. Those born in Israel would be Jews. A person born in Kandahar would invoke Allah, saying that God is great and Muhammad is his prophet. Birthplace and education give a person faith because people consciously or subconsciously accept such a program of belief system.
Many people blindly believe in religion and its doctrine because they only see one side of the coin. They see only the positive side that religious institutions have sold them. However, they do not consider the other side of the coin, the negative side, and that’s a big mistake. Many crimes have been committed in the name of faith, often with significant influence. Unfortunately, those who blindly follow these beliefs do not consider this. As a result, the negative consequences of such actions remain hidden or forgotten from society.
Volume 2 continues the profound themes introduced in the predecessor even deeper into the complexities of existence and the pursuit of knowledge, encouraging readers to question established beliefs.
Believers rarely examine the evidence of their faith’s authenticity. They accept centuries-old assumptions without reevaluating their validity. This is due to a lack of self-knowledge and understanding of the freedom of the spirit. However, it also results from strict manipulation by a religious institution that imposes its beliefs on a person.
The New Age
Pisces’s age has marked religion and faith over the last 2000 years. They are ending now because it is high time that religions subsided in the 21st century. Humanity is entering the Age of Aquarius, which, among other things, foreshadows the global decline of the world’s largest religions. Many will not understand what is happening and how this refined and polite organization of noble people may fall apart. Beliefs change and fail when people stop believing in them.

However, it is not the person who perishes but their identity. Man’s growth is always inversely proportional to the loss of identity. Therefore, this process liberates man from the religious identity inflicted on him. Religion does not care about people or the preservation of nature, nor is that in its interest. The only deity worthy of worship is Mother Earth, as it is the only one we are accountable to, rather than calling upon fictitious gods with different interests.
In addition, the difference between religion and spirituality is that religion is a belief in someone else’s experience, while spirituality comes from one’s own experience. You are your God; believe in yourself, Mother Nature, and the cosmic energy. After that, you will find your true self without being brainwashed by fictitious religious stories from ancient times.
The Influence of the Age of Aquarius
Religion is losing significance in the modern age. More people are renouncing it, especially learned intellectuals. The main reason is that religious principles are outdated because they don’t progress with the constant human need for knowledge and research. Now, I’m talking about people in the context of the collective consciousness that evolves and requires rejecting the ideas of hierarchy and division because people slowly realize that this is holding them back from progress.
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Ordinary people think that religion is true, the wise see it as a lie, and rulers find it useful
The human brain has evolved, science has progressed, and religious dogma has remained the same as 2000 years ago. The sacred stories ultimately deceived and misled the collective human consciousness. As a result, people today have not given them much importance since they have realized all the evidence pointing towards their fallacious nature. The Age of Pisces is ending, and along with it, the illusions and deceptions of religious dogmas. Old beliefs will be destroyed in the next 100 years, and the world’s largest religions and political regimes will decline globally. The truth will come to light, and the ancient beliefs and structures will collapse, marking the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.
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