Collective Psychic Influence – The Consensual Reality
The system has historically programmed the masses with its political ideology and religion, creating an internal virtual matrix that people mistakenly think is the objective reality. When enough people believe something to be accurate, it forms a consensual reality that becomes alive and real. The reality thus created is an energetic information construct with its own identity and self-awareness, which has a collective psychic influence on society’s subconscious mind.
Furthermore, political ideology and religion create a consensual reality based on agreement, but that does not mean it is true. An illusion, a deception, leads most people to believe in what they promote. As a result, people subconsciously program themselves to understand and know only the consensual reality, which is often illogical and far from the truth.
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People worldwide usually hold certain beliefs that they have learned from upbringing in their society. Often, they have an inaccurate perception of themselves, an idealized version called ego, that doesn’t match their true selves. Also, one’s name, race, nationality, or religion doesn’t define their identity. Similarly, possessions, jobs, status, fame, success, or failure don’t define them either. Therefore, they are all infinite free consciousness, without ego masks, and ultimately, they only belong to themselves.
Who am I?
In today’s world, more than half of human beings are soulless. In their minds, they understand themselves as just ordinary organic beings. They never question the official story. They do not ask themselves existential questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Is there any purpose? Why do some things happen in my life? Is this the only reality? Is it an illusion? They don’t talk about immaterial things and never ask what a soul is. They repeat and accept everything without a hint of critical, personal thought.

Science, history, and religion of their doctrine are the sources upon which they base their belief system. However, there is more and more evidence in our environment of how separated people have become from themselves.
Materialism reigns worldwide, where money and material things are more important than anything. Those guided by their real needs are rare because the Real Matrix has made it difficult to determine their genuine needs and wants. The feeling of emptiness and non-belonging is prevalent in society as people often seek external belonging instead of looking within themselves.
The Feeling of Emptiness
The race for unreal, material, and false needs has become the reality of most civilizations worldwide. The biggest reason for such behavior is the internal feeling of emptiness and deficiency. The greater the inner emptiness, the greater the need to compensate for it through the achievement of reputation, fame, and wealth, and the greater the inner desire that sparks the false feeling that “I need a little more for happiness!”.
Most people are unaware of this because they think this is life and that life should be led that way. The Real Matrix’s societal programming programs them this way, yet they don’t even realize it. As a result, they have a narrow view and a wrong perception of life in general.
Human Division
Albert Einstein, one of the greatest minds in history, once said, “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the universe.” Stupidity is indestructible, but so is an obsessive reality that most people are addicted to. For at least two-thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity, human malice, and those great motivators and justifiers of malice and stupidity, idealism, dogmatism, and proselytizing zeal on behalf of religious or political idols.

From the scientific point of view, the contemporary human society is separated into:
- Super-humans who can develop their brains and manage sophisticated algorithms for the advancement of civilization;
- Open-minded people who have a pure and natural perception of life and
- Useless masses and redundant programmed people who deal only with the nonsense in life.
For the latter, the world becomes a stage on which they play an ego role. Acting involves playing different roles by adopting various archetypes of behavior. This includes the unconditional commitment to promote nationalistic or religious beliefs without question.
Furthermore, these individuals defend their beliefs unconditionally, as they have been programmed to do so. They are often willing to attack and even hate those who think differently, creating disharmony and discomfort in society. Such brainwashed people become followers and henchmen of some entity, while the matrix system only exploits them. However, they don’t even realize it.
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The Collective Psychic Influence on Children
Various channels have influenced children since birth, promoting materialism, ego, conformity, control, and submission. Rules manage and restrict what we consider normal today. Brainwashing often begins through some religion. In most cases, in the West, it’s done through Christianity in the Church, as most of them are baptized as small children.
Christian institutions convince them of God’s existence and tell them a story they must follow. Many parents do not question baptism or its origin and blindly follow this custom while the Church greets them in the name of Jesus Christ. Many Christians unquestioningly believe and often accept everything they are told without question. However, this is due to the collective psychic influence of the religion that has programmed them to think that way.
The Suppression of Creativity
The educational system encourages conformity and competition through educational institutions while suppressing or ignoring any special abilities a child may have. Education systems often neglect to prioritize creativity, leading to its suppression or underdevelopment. Children are initially taught authority and obedience.

As a result, the system feeds them information to turn them into a well-oiled machine, ready to work and benefit from it. Unfortunately, this approach does not encourage or foster creativity in individuals. In addition, children are not learning their true history and origins. The Real Matrix forces them to learn imposed education filled with opinions of biased minds.
The educational system does not encourage creative thinking; most of what children learn is pointless and unnecessary. It molds children into adults expected to serve the system by rewarding conformity and penalizing resistance.
Those who refuse to accept such a way of programming are primarily trained to work at age 18. Similarly, ordinary workers in factories, fast-food restaurants, or shop counters have never acquired the tools of creativity. The corporate world compels them to enter and forces them to remain until age 65, subjecting them to economic subordination.
The Media Influence
Watching television is probably the corporate elite’s #1 brainwashing tool. Government-sponsored propaganda tells you how to think, robbing you of your ability to think critically. The media industry designs mainstream news and popular shows to induce obsession, leading people away from their spiritual essence.
Although television can be both an entertaining and educational tool, most of its content is created for harmful purposes. When children watch TV, their brains enter an ‘alpha state,’ which can cause them to become hypnotized and confined to a limited space.

The mainstream media significantly influences people by programming their minds, especially children, who are more susceptible to its impact. Children who watch television and use mobile phones, tablets, or computers too much while their parents are absent can be affected by feeding their materialistic view of society. At the same time, they accept this view as a regular part of their everyday lives. As a result, they have the wrong perception of life.
The Consequences of the Collective Psychic Influence
Through upbringing and life experiences, our subconsciousness forms patterns of keeping our anger, sadness, shame, and fear under control so that our conscious mind can function. Internal complaints, emotional outbursts, anxiety, depression, and all other modern illnesses that people face today stem from these patterns. Also, the feelings of emptiness and inadequacy are the consequences of the collective psychic influence in the Real Matrix.
Volume 2 continues the profound themes introduced in the predecessor even deeper into the complexities of existence and the pursuit of knowledge, encouraging readers to question established beliefs.
In addition, awakening consciousness will not be possible for all humanity but for a significant part. The influence of the vibration field of one conscious, soulful person is equivalent to dozens or hundreds of ordinary beings.
The best tip I can give you is to think outside the box and awaken your consciousness. Read and learn about yourself and the world around you. Change your perspective and reprogram yourself. As a result, you will have a new perception of life.
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