New Age – The Age of Aquarius

According to astrological science, Earth is on the threshold of transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. The spring equinox occurs due to the movement of the Earth, Moon, and Sun. It moves along the ecliptic through the fields of all zodiac signs. The vernal equinox remains in each sign for 2,146 years, which astrologers call […]

Real Matrix – The Modern Slavery System

The world is imperfect because self-serving elite rulers have shaped it to their advantage for centuries. In most cases, these were greedy and power-hungry kings, emperors, presidents, and their governments who controlled and manipulated civilization by constantly imposing new humiliating regulations and laws, thus creating a modern slavery system, a real-life matrix. In the past, slavery meant that the government […]

Astrology – The Forbidden Knowledge

Religious and political authorities have historically perceived astrology as a threat and persecuted its practitioners. For that reason, many cultures banned astrology and labeled it as an occult and diabolical activity. The main initiator was the Catholic Church, which punished those who practiced this knowledge severely, considering it witchcraft or heresy. As a result, this transformed astrology from a cosmic […]

Numerology – The Power of Numbers

How often have you wondered, “What are my lucky numbers?” Many numbers are around us, but only a few are the “lucky ones.” Looking closer, we can see that our whole lives revolve around numbers. Numbers are significant to us because we use them in everyday life. We can’t live without numbers anymore, but we can understand them as something […]

Religion – The Fictional Lack of Real Life

Religion is an organized system of belief and worship in which man places gods, deities, or some other metaphysical concept at the center. It is actually an undifferentiated mythical consciousness, which is simultaneously a ritualized entertainment game, magic, and an artistic-fantastic reproduction of reality, nothing more than a fictional lack of real life. Throughout history, man has crafted stories that […]

Karma Effect – The Consequences of Past Acts

Your past actions have a present effect on your life, and your current actions have a future impact—”As you sow, so shall you reap,” also known as the law of cause and effect or the karma effect. The Eastern traditions of yoga, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism use the term “karma,” which is often associated with fate. Karma comes from the […]