The Roots Of Radical Islamic Extremism

Islamic extremism refers to a range of beliefs and ideologies that Muslims adhere to within Islam. However, it comes with a hefty share of debate. This contention stems from the broad spectrum it covers—from those who advocate Islamic supremacy to the narrative that every other ideology is inferior. Consequently, this complexity gives rise to differing academic and societal interpretations. At […]

Debunking Islam: The Allegation of Plagiarism

Islam emerged in 7th-century Arabia, shaped by the life of Prophet Muhammad and the region’s cultural context. Many teachings reflect similarities with Judaism and Christianity, leading to debates about whether Islam is a plagiarism of these faiths or a distinct development tailored for the Arabic people. According to Muslims, the story of Islam’s birth is deeply intertwined with the life […]

Christianity: The Plagiarised Religion

Exploring Christianity’s roots involves diving into a rich tapestry of ancient traditions and myths. Although Christianity is often seen through a lens of spiritual purity, it shows signs of adaptation and incorporation from various ancient religions. In this article, I will describe why many scholars define Christianity as a plagiarised religion. Significant influences reportedly come from Judaism, which first borrowed […]

The Catholic Church Inquisition

During her full reign of terror, the Papacy had caused the cruel death of at least 50 million people, including carrying out the infamous Catholic Church Inquisition. This history intends to open people’s eyes to some of the dark truths of the Roman Catholic Church. The Inquisition, established by the Catholic Church in the 12th century, remains one of the […]

The Dark Side of The Roman Catholic Church

The Roman Catholic Church is one of the world’s oldest and most influential religious institutions, spanning over two millennia. An institution that declares that it is the one holy, catholic, and apostolic church founded by Jesus Christ. Its role has shaped societies, cultures, and governments, often intertwining faith with the day-to-day lives of billions. But, like any human institution, it has […]

The Spiritual Manipulation of Religion

Throughout history, humanity has constantly been subjected to the spiritual manipulation of religion or other cult organizations. Once religion gains power over society and life, it can control public opinion. Many faiths cooperating with the political system have become very powerful today. They have become so influential in persuading that it is practically impossible to stop them anymore. However, the […]

Religion – The Fictional Lack of Real Life

Religion is an organized system of belief and worship in which man places gods, deities, or some other metaphysical concept at the center. It is actually an undifferentiated mythical consciousness, which is simultaneously a ritualized entertainment game, magic, and an artistic-fantastic reproduction of reality, nothing more than a fictional lack of real life. Throughout history, man has crafted stories, some […]